
self.jpgHi! I’m Jonathan Fictorie, Ceramisist, Photographer, Graphic Designer, and all around maker of things. My wife and I recently moved to St. Louis, but I am originally from Northwest Iowa.

My creative process is heavily influenced by my education in design, and I draw many ideas from the natural world around me. I’m always intrigued by shapes and lines and their interactions in a composition, and that’s often where I begin when conceptualizing a piece. Similarly, I enjoy playing with the interactions between organic and man-made forms. These interactions are the framework of my designs, photographs, and sculptures.

What I create is usually determined by the medium that is grabbing my attention the most at the moment. Wood, clay, ink, paper, design software, and digital photography are the mediums I am most often creating in.

I create because I enjoy it. I like breaking things down to their basic forms and building them back up again in order to understand them, and then when I understand it, I build upon it with my own ideas and tangents. In my photography I enjoy presenting to people the things that go un-noticed. In my sculptures I like to play with the interactions between forms, but I also approach the designs from a function perspective as well. In my graphic designs I try to display information in a clean and distinct way.

Here’s a short animated bio I did for a Motion Graphics class.

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